
The Hypnotherapy Centre

Relaxation Exercise

Before any relaxation exercise, go to the toilet if you need to, and wear loose comfortable clothing. Lie or sit somewhere with the whole of your body supported.


Make yourself totally comfortable. Close your eyes.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Sit in a comfortable chair ( or lie on the floor, or on a bed). Ensure you will not be disturbed by other noises. If you become aware of sounds - just try to ignore them and let them leave your mind just as soon as they enter. Make sure the whole of your body is comfortably supported - including your arms, head and feet. (Rest your arms on the arms of the chair, with your feet flat on the floor -

if sitting!)


· Close your eyes. Feel the chair supporting your whole body - your

legs, your arms, your head. If you can feel any tension, begin to

et it go. Take 2 slow and deep breaths, and let the tension begin to

flow out.


· Become aware of your head - notice how your forehead feels. Let any tension go and feel your forehead become smooth and wide. Let any tension go from around your eyes, your mouth, your cheeks and your jaw. Let your teeth part slightly and feel the tension go.


· Now focus on your neck - let the chair take the weight of your head and feel your neck relax. Now your head is feeling heavy and floppy. Let your shoulders lower gently down. Your shoulders are wider, your neck is longer.


· Notice how your body feels as you begin to relax.


· Be aware of your arms and your hands. Let them sink down into the chair. Now they are feeling heavy and limp.


· Think about your back - from your neck to your hips. Let the tension go and

feel yourself sinking down into the chair. Let your hips, your legs and your feet relax and roll outwards. Notice the feeling of relaxation taking over.


· Notice your breathing - your abdomen gently rising and falling as you breathe. Let your next breath be a little deeper, a little slower...


· Now, you are feeling completely relaxed and heavy. …. Lie still and concentrate on slow, rhythmic breathing….


· When you want to, count back from 5 to 1 and open your eyes. Wiggle your fingers and toes, breathe deeply and stretch. Look around the room, becoming more alert as you notice what you see, hear and feel. Pause before

gently rising.

